Shops Information
Asamaonsen Soba-uchi club
It is a group who loves soba in local Asamaonsen. They trained in seminar and event once a month. Buckwheat is locally harvested by local soba farmers, and soba sause is professional taste at a local restaurant. Welcome to enjoy soba and hot spring in Asamaonsen.

Sobadokoro SAKAI
I use only buckwheat which is harvested in well-conditioned soba field in 650m height.

Shinshu 100% Bokuchi-soba ISHIDAYA ITTETSU
Shinshu Bokuchi-soba is organized by planting soba and OYAMABOKUCHI in Nabekura plateau in Iiyama city. You can enjoy stiffness and original taste of buckwheat.

Shinshu Soba Academy YUKARIAN
Shinshu Soba Academy YUKARIAN is studying hard every day for good taste “Shinshu Soba”. We are serving a good taste new season soba with whole heart.

HOPE-kai Sobadokoro
You can feel abundance of Asamaonsen, seeing gloss by eyes, feeling weight by chopsticks, smelling by nose, and tasting smoothness and soup stock. Please enjoy.


We are a cafe of pickles, but meny regular customer aspire soba made by master of TAMA-NO-YU. We open a booth in Soba festival. Please enjoy a taste of soba blended of 3 kinds of buckwheat.
Shinshu Matsumoto Soba-uchi MISORA club
MISORA fun circle is gathered in a fun word, and serving 3 kind of soba, – 100% soba, 90% soba and wild vegetable soba in warm soup -.